No border, no nation, stop deportation!

Charterwarnung Nigeria!

Posted: July 19th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles | Comments Off on Charterwarnung Nigeria!

Urgent! According to a confidential source there are mass deportations to Nigeria planned on the 18th of July and the 16th of August. Be careful, spread the information, look after yourselves and others! Consult the attached flyer for further hints.

Charter Deportation Warning (English)


Dringend! Am 18. Juli sowie am 16. August sollen nach einer vertraulichen Quellen Sammelabschiebungen per Charterflug nach Nigeria stattfinden! Passt auf euch und andere auf und teilt diese Information! Beachtet den angehängten Flyer für zusätzliche Hinweise.

Charter Abschiebungswarnung (Deutsch)

NSU-Komplex auflösen! Soliaktion zur Urteilsverkündung in München

Posted: July 19th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles, Beiträge | Comments Off on NSU-Komplex auflösen! Soliaktion zur Urteilsverkündung in München

Der NSU-Prozess in München hat ein Ende erfahren. Das darf keinen Schlussstrich bedeuten!

Soliaktion aus Wien in Gedenken an die Ermordeten, in Solidarität mit den Überlebenden und Hinterbliebenen. Rassismus in Staat und Gesellschaft bekämpfen, rassistischen Terror gegen Migrant*innen zerschlagen – in Österreich, Deutschland und der ganzen Welt!

Mehr Information auf

Safety and a better future for all! Salzburg & Vienna in September 2018

Posted: June 27th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles | Comments Off on Safety and a better future for all! Salzburg & Vienna in September 2018

We support the ongoing mobilisations  against the EU summit in Salzburg in September 2018 and the following Counter-summit “Safety for all” in Vienna. Find some information below.

A Better Future For All! Protests in Salzburg September 20th 2018

In July 2018 the presidency of the EU Council will be passed over from Bulgaria to Austria. In this context an informal summit on the issues of „internal security „and „control of illegal migration„ will take place in Salzburg on 20th of September. For the conservative and right-wing government of Austria this means a possibility to carry its own politics of national isolation and social control to an European level.

In Austria reactionary tendencies get stronger and stronger. Specifically in the means of isolationist policy and the rise of nationalist, right wing movements Austria has a leading role for a long time. Right wing and even neofascist parties and organisations are deeply anchored in public structures.

Not later than 2015 Austria started to be a driving factor within the process of aggressive actions against immigration. An example for that is the „closing of the Balkan route “, that Austria was significantly responsible for.

The consequences of this politics can be seen and felt beyond Europe: The barricading of the European borders is based on cooperation with fascistic regimes like Turkey or rackets in Libya, that are causing massive suffering and violence among the people. Since September 2017 Austria is governed by right wing conservatives and right-wing extremists, who carry the nationalist agitation and the top- down class struggle even further.

Their profoundly reactionary program, which is a mixture of neoliberal disciplining, cuts of social services, authoritarian „Law and Order “, nationalist isolation and exclusion of non- citizens has a lot of supporters among Austrian (and European) society.

When the European leaders of governments and states discuss the future of the EU, what means the discussion about the authoritarian enforcement of competition by exclusion and disciplining, we as the European Left want to be visible and want to be interventionist.

We want neither a deadly „Fortress Europe“ nor their politics of „Internal Security“. The latter means nothing else, than the wide- ranging social control, surveillance and exclusion of those, who got superseded and marginalized. We want the good life for everybody beyond concurrence and nationalist isolation. We don’t want a false comparison of „liberal“ and authoritarian- nationalist perspectives. Actually, they are a perfect match within the capitalist emergency. And if one wants to choose one of them, in order to avoid the worse, one will get both. We don’t want to see the poor existing conditions and their reactionary brutalization as permanent barriers to our visions, but we want to invent the future. There is enough for everybody and nobody should be forced to work. In Salzburg we want to fight for a supportive society. A society, that can’t be planned by the rulers, but only against them. We invite you to come to Salzburg and accompany us part of that way. Together we want to make a clear statement against the far -right as well as the authoritarian management of the existing. With a revolutionary perspective we want to reach beyond the contradictions of society. When the leaders of the European governments meet in Salzburg, we will be there as the alliance of the many. All our different struggles have something in common:

A better future for all is possible beyond capitalism only!

#summitsalzburg #noS20

Safety for All! S20 Counter-Summit in Vienna, September 21st-23rd September 2018

Save the date!

On September 20th a meeting of the EU heads of states will take place in Salzburg, Austria. The key points on the agenda are so-called „internal security“ and „cyber security“ as well as the so-called „protection“ of the EU’s external borders against “illegal” migration.
It is clear that thereby they mean a further expansion and strengthening of the deadly EU border regime, on the external borders as well as inside our cities, through more surveillance and control. It means more of their racist, sexist and exploitative politics and the attempt to further criminalise resistance(s).
We will not take this! Protests are planned on that day in Salzburg (see: and 

Smash security, organize safety!

Following the protest in Salzburg, we invite you to join the Counter Summit for Solidarity and Safety for All in Vienna from 21st to 23rd of September. We plan a three-day gathering with workshops, panels and time for informal exchange. We want to challenge their notion of security and develop strategies for organizing ourselves in our cities and neighborhoods. We want to move towards communities of solidarity and sanctuary cities. We will look for ways to connect and learn from our struggles in different contexts, by exchanging strategies on how to fight against deportations and how to strengthen solidarity in transit, be it on the external or internal borders of the EU. Struggles of migration will also be connected to issues of climate change, anti-fascist struggles and workers rights. We further want to share knowledge on surveillance, repression and the fight against police and their destructive violence and work out strategies to challenge their power and find ways to be in solidarity with each other.
More information will follow soon!
If you have any questions contact us here:  [PGP upcoming]
All information will be gathered and published soon on our blog:

Solidarity from Vienna to the #Stansted15!

Posted: March 19th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles, Beiträge | Comments Off on Solidarity from Vienna to the #Stansted15!


Today, 15 activists are put on trial in Chelmsford/UK for allegedly blocking a charter deportation last year and thereby committing ‘acts of terrorism’ as the state prosecution proclaims. The accusation can lead up to a lifetime prison sentence.

Via this statement we want to express our solidarity with the accused activists. Read the rest of this entry »

Flughafen-Demo gegen Charterabschiebung nach Afghanistan

Posted: March 19th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles | Comments Off on Flughafen-Demo gegen Charterabschiebung nach Afghanistan

Aufruf der Wiener Vernetzung gegen Abschiebungen:

Raus zur Flughafen-Demo gegen Charterabschiebung nach Afghanistan!

20.3. ab 19:00 Ankunftshalle Flughafen Wien

Gemeinsames Treffen für die Anreise ab 18 Uhr beim Eingang des Einkaufszentrums Wien Mitte, es gibt die Möglichkeit für Soli-Tickets Read the rest of this entry »

F18: Together we stand – Don’t send Refugees back!

Posted: February 8th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles | Comments Off on F18: Together we stand – Don’t send Refugees back!

Wir unterstützen die europaweite Mobilisierung für den 18. Februar!

Aktuelle Informationen zum Aktionstag eines breiten Netwerks in Wien findet ihr hier:

Wir dokumentieren den Einladungstext in verschiedenen Sprachen: Read the rest of this entry »

Warning: Possible charter deportation to Afghanistan on January 23/24th 2018

Posted: January 19th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles | Comments Off on Warning: Possible charter deportation to Afghanistan on January 23/24th 2018

Austria is again increasingly arresting people into “Schubhaft”! On 23 and 24 January there will be the next deportation flights from Düsseldorf/Germany and Sweden to Kabul, Afghanistan! If at the same date Afghanis will be deported from Austria is still unknown!

Please inform your friends and family members!

Who may be concerned by a mass deportation flight:
-Generally persons who have had a definite negative result of their asylum case.
-People living in Austria under undocumented, irregular conditions.
-The risk is generally higher if someone is already under severe pressure
from the authorithies to leave Austria.

Trouble with Austrian law enforcement authorithies and having a criminal case on one’s record can increase the risk of deportation, but people who have never had any such problems are also concerned.


Es werden wieder vermehrt Personen in Schubhaft genommen. Am 23. und 24. Jänner sollen die nächsten Abschiebeflüge von Düsseldorf/Deutschland und Schweden nach Kabul, Afghanistan stattfinden! Ob dabei auch Afghan_innen aus Österreich abgeschoben werden sollen, wissen wir noch nicht!

Bitte leitet es an Familienmitglieder, Freunde und allgemein Menschen aus
den betroffenen Herkunftslaendern weiter.

a) Wer kann abgeschoben werden?
Leute, die 1 Mal negativ haben und nicht Beschwerde eingelegt haben oder
Leute, die 2 Mal negativ haben.

b) Wer kann NICHT abgeschoben werden?
Wer noch auf das Interview oder auf den Bescheid vom BFA wartet, oder wer Beschwerde beim Verwaltungsgericht eingelegt hat , aufschiebende Wirkung erhalten hat und auf das Ergebnis wartet.

Demo: “Black Lives Matter! Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit für Migrant*innen in Libyen!”

Posted: December 12th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles | Comments Off on Demo: “Black Lives Matter! Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit für Migrant*innen in Libyen!”

Seit Wochen finden in Wien Proteste gegen die Sklaverei in Libyen, die Abschottungs- und Ausbeutungspolitik der EU und die rassistische Migrationspolitik Österreichs statt.

Nach Kundgebungen vor der libyschen Botschaft und dem Haus der Europäischen Union, findet nun am 16.12.2017 im Rahmen eines internationalen Aktionstags, eine Demonstration durch die Wiener Innenstadt statt. Read the rest of this entry »

Demo “Stoppt die Abschiebung nach Afghanistan!”

Posted: December 4th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles, Beiträge | Comments Off on Demo “Stoppt die Abschiebung nach Afghanistan!”

Protest gegen die geplante Charterabschiebung nach Afghanistan

5.12.2017, 20:00 Ankunfts-Halle Flughafen Wien-Schwechat

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Kundgebung “Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit für Migrant*innen in Libyen”

Posted: December 1st, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Aktuelles, Beiträge | Comments Off on Kundgebung “Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit für Migrant*innen in Libyen”

Wir unterstützen die Proteste “Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit für Migrant*innen und Flüchtenden in Libyen” und rufen zur Kundgebung auf!

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